Sunday, December 20, 2009

Youth Ministry Lite

Here I am late again, straggling behind due to the Christmas rush. I greatly apologize. Here we go........I want to start with the illustration, "Sin is like a black hole, it sucks you in." Make sure that you are open with your teens about sin and have them list out common sins that people their age struggle with, as well as the consequences that come from deciding to sin. Another very important aspect to stress to them is that the devil trips us up on little things and that's why we must study the bible to know what God expects of us and how to prepare themselves so they do not fall into a life marked by sin. This is one of those topics that makes for a great discussion. You need to get them talking as you guide the conversation.
Next I want to to discuss Christmas and how we honor God on this day. Christmas has become so commercialized and the focus is not on the birth of Christ as it should be. Read the story of Jesus' birth and give the kids ideas of how they can make sure to set aside time on Christmas day to honor Christ. One would be to serve along side their family at a shelter or maybe to simply go to their bedroom, alone and spend 15 minutes praying and reading the bible.
I am cutting it short on this one but promise to get back on schedule. I pray that you and your family have a blessed and wonderful Christmas this year.

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