Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interested In Having Me Speak?

I have quite an amazing testimony of my journey to Christ. I accepted Christ at the age of 27 and prior my life was full of drinking, pain pill addiction, immoral relationships, and just an overall sinful lifestyle. I was at the end of my rope, had relapsed with my addiction and was just coming out of a deep depression which was so bad that I just wanted to die. I had no job and was living with my mom and her abusive husband. We had just kicked him out and were filing charges due to his actions. He had not allowed my mom to work so we sat in an unfamiliar town, the closest family 5-6 hours away, and had no idea how we were going to survive. It wasn't until we called a local church seeking groceries that I saw the love of Christ. The Pastor brought us 2 sacks of food and extended an invitation to attend services the next evening.

We attended faithfully for several months and on the last evening of revival, I heard Christ tell me that this was my last chance, I either chose Him that night at that moment or He was done with me. Over the past three years God has completely transformed my life. I have found purpose and success, the latter took awhile as we struggled to get on our feet. But for the first time in my life I was truly happy. My circumstances no longer determined my future. My mother and I actually accepted Christ at the same time, not something many Christians can say! God has lead me to work with teens and I seek to share my testimony, along with the wisdom God has given me, with them.
While my calling is Youth Ministry, I enjoy speaking to all age groups.
Please contact me and lets talk to determine whether I am the speaker you are looking for. Have a blessed day!

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