Saturday, September 5, 2009

Youth Ministry Lite #13

Welcome Back Youth Ministry Addicts! Our first resource is a great website that should be on every Youth Leaders list, This website has numerous free resources such as articles, podcasts, newsletters, tips, and even resources taken from a variety of well known films. The site also offers books for your students and leaders, as well as curriculum's from different publishers. If you are interested in finding an event to take your group to, this is the place to go.
Our next resource is the must read book, "The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success" by Andy Andrews. This book brings to light seven personal decisions everyone can implement into our lives to reach our potential.
The main character, David Ponder, is facing very tough times, just as many Americans are today. David travels through time meeting some of the most amazing people who have ever lived. Each one sharing a principle that is necessary for a successful life. I will not tell you anymore because the suspense is part of what makes this book great.
Andy has even written a youth edition, which follows the same basic storyline, just different characters and events. This is a must read for your entire team as well as a great idea to have your youth group read and discuss together. Set aside seven weeks, each week discussing the next decision. Be creative and come up with lessons that will help teens relate the decisions to their daily lives. Visit Andy's website,, to order this and other books. I highly recommend purchasing the journal to accompany the adult version as it will help you to study each of the decisions and implement them into your life.
For our talk sparker I want to discuss Attention with Intention. It's a bit of a tongue twister but think about what both words mean for a minute. Have you ever had a student or two who were class clowns and couldn't seem to get serious when you were teaching? Or maybe you have a student that just doesn't understand how important it is for them to pay attention to what you are teaching. Maybe you haven't had a teen like this thus far, if that's the case then you will have one soon! It's just something we as Youth Leaders will deal with from time to time. So what I pose today is this lesson idea, Attention with Intention.
Your group meets for one main reason.....God. We do not meet to play games or chat with friends. While all that is absolutely fine, as we want to create a fun and loving environment, when it comes time to teach the lesson, your teens full attention should be on you and what you are saying. Not only should they be hanging on your every word, but they should have every intention of using what they are learning in their daily life. Make sure that you get the teens involved in the discussion.

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